Heartwings Love Notes          



Heartwings Love Notes 854 - Being Grateful for Small Blessings

Heartwings says, "Be thankful for the little gifts that may otherwise be taken for granted."

It's easy to acknowledge generous gifts with thanks. Gratitude for the larger things in life is more common, especially at Thanksgiving. It is more difficult to remember to express thanks for those small blessings common to each day. When I step into my shower, I feel appreciation for the stream of warm water, and I am reminded of my friend who lived with cold showers for months until her electricity was restored. As I get into my comfortable cozy bed and slide under my clean sheets and feather quilt, how
grateful I am.

I rejoice over my many small blessings—a kind conversation with my daughter, the neighbor who offers to help me carry my groceries up the stairs or shovel the snow from my car, discovering a book in the library by a favorite author. Most are so busy these days they may find it difficult to stop and take time to think how fortunate they are. In my many years of life I have learned to be glad for these small gifts and others that thread my daily life with comfort and joy.

I learned to do this from a friend almost thirty years ago. I overheard him saying "Thank you little (memory fails me as to what it was) and continuing to express his gratitude to several more objects. Now I thank my car for bringing me safely both to my destination and back home. I thank my computer for bringing me my email and functioning as my writing tool. Can seemingly "dumb" machines hear and appreciate? I don't know, yet I like to voice my appreciation and to treat my mechanical servants as nicely as if they were
flesh and blood. It only seems fair.

People who live in countries where the only water available must be carried from a well in the center of the village would be unbelievably grateful to be able to turn on a tap. Not so long ago anyone wanting a bath had to have the water heated on a stove or over a fire and hauled to a tub. Imagine having to hitch your horse to a wagon to go into town for groceries or walk miles carrying them home. At this season we are reminded to be thankful. It is well to remember that gratitude needs to be an everyday practice.

As your life unfolds may you remember how much you have to be grateful for.

I love to hear from readers and would be honored if you would comment and let me know any suggestions or thoughts. If a friend sent you this, you can sign up at my web site, www.heartwingslovenotes.com, where more love notes can be found in the archives.

Blessings and Best Regards,
Tasha Halpert

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