Heartwings Love Notes          



Heartwings Love Notes 893: Helping the Healing Process

Heartwings says, "The more we give to the healing process, the faster it can go."

When I first came home from the hospital after my hip operation, I was determined to get mobile and active as soon as I could. I rushed myself, doing too much, and that resulted in a big setback from which it took me some days to recover. Now even though I am feeling better, with less pain, I am very careful to monitor my efforts and to pay attention to the amount I hope to accomplish.

I have found that focusing on the positive results from this experience is helping me to be more patient with myself. One of these comes as a consequence of my enforced leisure. I pend many hours sitting on the recliner couch with my legs raised as the therapists wish me to do. So Stephen and I have been watching some of the wonderful films he has discovered and purchased for us.

The BBC has a beautiful series, The Life of Birds, narrated by David Attenborough, with extraordinary images and explanations of these fascinating creatures. The photography, as well as the subjects is a delight to watch and I am grateful for this opportunity. Instead, in the time previous to my operation I would have been doing housework and cooking, pursuing email correspondence, editing poetry or other writing, doing research, or even playing a game or two on my computer.

However the nature of my hip operation and the healing process it requires dictates that I spend limited time sitting at my desktop computer. While I like to read, my eyes can easily tire from too much time spent with a book. Watching the TV screen is a wonderful option. As well, the evening time I used to spend on the computer because I was busy during the day, is being spent watching humorous films that provoke laughter, a wonderful adjunct to healing.

Work on my healing is paramount. I feel impelled to do what I can to help it along. Doing less, while being faithful to the physical therapists' exercises and their prescription to get off the couch, walk around and be on my feet for some time each hour is vital. The opportunity to watch some of our wonderful hoard of DVDs comes welcome and more unexpectedly as a blessing in disguise. I also marvel at how contradictory it is to be achieving more by doing less.

May you find time to do what is best for you and your good health.

Blessings and best regards, Tasha Halpert

P.S. Comments, questions, and thoughts are always more than welcome. I so appreciate your feedback and promise to answer you as soon as possible.


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Blessings and Best Regards,
Tasha Halpert

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